Looking for a spiritual home or a place to worship? Water Street Church welcomes you!
Join us for worship: in person at 10:00 am on Sunday mornings, or connect to our livestream. Subscribe to our YouTube channel and watch any of our services or mid-week messages anytime.

February 9 , at 10 a.m. Sunday worship at Water Street Church. Worship with us in person or online. The message “Being Set Free” will be brought by Pastor Wes Collins, pastor at Drayton CRC. The message is based on Romans 8:1-17 .

If you have any song requests for this evening of Praise, let Nathan know!

The week’s reflection What is the real church? Do you love the church? Is your love for the church based on what it does and doesn’t do? Xiudong provokes us to think about these questions and more. Have a listen!

Women’s Fitness: beginning 4 weekly sessions for Gentle Yoga starting Thursdays, February 6,13,20,27! 9:30-10:30 am in the gym, led by certified Fitness/Yoga instructor Pat R. Coffee and conversation afterwards. If you want to improve mobility, flexibility, core conditioning and strength, then these sessions are for you. Bring a Yoga mat and water bottle (Yoga blocks if you have them). Feel free to invite a friend or neighbour. For more information contact Marg or Pat.
Sunday School! A few details for parents and visitors. (Activity tables are also available in the sanctuary, and there is a nursery for tots (parents, please come with the older ones…)

If you are a kid between the ages of 7-18, free music lessons Tuesday nights at WSC with Nathan. To book your 30 minute lesson, contact Nathan. Instruments provided. If you do have an instrument, you are encouraged to bring it with you. Lesson start in February. Now is your chance!

Women’s Bible Study: 2025: A new year of study! 9:15 coffee and 9:30 start. We will be studying the book of James with Francis Chan. ALL ladies welcome!
WSC has partnered with RightNowMedia to offer our members many Bible study resources and short stories of lives changed. This short segment, “New Year’s Resolutions – Kid Edition?” might tickle your funny-bone. This brief video illustration takes a humorous look at common resolutions adults make – only it’s from the perspective of little kids.