
In the Christian Reformed Church, baptism is performed by an ordained minister of the Word or commissioned pastor. The usual method of baptism is by the sprinkling of water on the forehead of the person to be baptized, but other methods (such as immersion) may also be used. The CRC employs infant baptism (for children of believing parents) as well as adult baptism (for adults who join but have not previously been baptized in a Christian church); an adult who is baptized is also called upon to share a testimony of his or her faith in Christ.


Pastor Kasey blesses Natalie with God’s covenant family promise as brother Trevor watches closely.


Big brother Ronan watches the sprinkling of water on his little brother’s forehead as baby Marek becomes part of God’s covenant family.

The Water Street Church community witnesses the public baptism by immersion of several adults in our Chinese fellowship.

Wondering what we mean when we talk about being baptized?

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