Serve our world

Job Well Done! Hanlon Cleanup

WSC has maintained its tradition of maintaining a stretch of the Hanlon Expressway. My heartfelt thanks to everyone that came out on May the 4th, 2024, to assist with the annual Hanlon Clean-up. This was an exceptional year for volunteers: thirty members of the congregation gave their time and effort to assist in this worthwhile venture. The rain thankfully held off, no-one got hurt and we were done in record time, (just under an hour). Many hands make light the work and we surely do appreciate the assistance you all provided in keeping our commitment to the Department of Transport and to the community we all take pride in. Until next year, God Bless and stay safe. Coordinator Rob Davis.

When I was hungry….

~ from The Message Matthew 25:35-40

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Today’s Daily Devotional

TODAY is a daily devotional published by ReFrame Ministries that helps God’s people refresh, refocus, and renew their reading, reflection and prayer. Join the hundreds of thousands of readers seeking spiritual growth.