Covid-19 Updates

We welcome you to attend in person. Capacity is now at 100%! Our 10:00 worship services will continue to be available livestreamed and online on our YouTube channel. All are welcome!

Starting this Sunday, April 3
• Self-screen for symptoms before coming to church. Stay home if you feel sick.
• Keep signs up on doors and in the building to remind people of recent restrictions
• sign-in sheets and pre-registration is no longer required.
• 100% capacity is allowed.
• Physical distancing is no longer required.
• The number of chairs in the sanctuary will gradually be increased. Not placing all chairs back immediately will continue to provide space between chairs so attendees can stay as safe as possible.
• Masks are no longer required. Please respect those who choose to wear a mask because of individual circumstances or the need for a higher level of safety.
• Communion: passing of the communion plates and cups will be reinstated. Communion pods will also be available for those who wish to use them.
• Disclosure of vaccination status is not required.

Three things will help prevent COVID-19 and other illnesses:
1. the new heating/air conditioning system installed during Project Glory which provides increased airflow
2. self-screening and staying at home if we have any symptoms
3. respecting the needs of people who still want to maintain distance

Please make sure to stay informed. PLEASE REFER TO THE ONTARIO GOVERNMENT WEBSITE. ALSO read the most recent newsrelease for pertinent information.

Life during Covid: Boomers found many ways to respond to the restrictions and limitations imposed by constantly changing protocols. Did life change dramatically? Were there lessons learned?

Today’s Daily Devotional

TODAY is a daily devotional published by ReFrame Ministries that helps God’s people refresh, refocus, and renew their reading, reflection and prayer. Join the hundreds of thousands of readers seeking spiritual growth.