Joy in the Morning

What most do you look forward to when it is deemed safe for society to open up again?

  • “Seeing our kids and grandkids and giving them all a massive hug and then seeing all our friends face to face and being able to hug them.”
  • “The freedom to interact freely with our children and grandchildren again. Now that the grandboys are teenagers, we need them more than they need us.”
  • “Being able to attend church in person and interact with fellow believers.”
  • “For the children, teenagers and young adults to have more normal connections, which are so important for interpersonal, spiritual and career development.”
  • “Perhaps it is more a lifting of the spirit and a freeing of the mind …. not feeling that it is crucial to pay attention to “safe” or “covid” and all the words connected with the pandemic experience. Everything that comes along with hanging out with friends or family without concern for distance and protocols. Anywhere, anytime, with anyone ….”
  • Meeting in groups: Church services and meetings, Singing, Ladies’ Bible Study, Men’s Coffee Social, participating in Choirs, Boomers Gatherings, etc.
  • Family Gatherings: Sunday dinners, Reunions, Weddings, Funerals, Camping, etc.
  • Travelling: Road trips, Birding, Vacations, Travelling out of the country. “I would love to explore and discover new places again.”
  • Recreation: The “joy” of both actively participating in group sports and of being spectators at the sports of grandchildren.
  • Entertainment: Attending concerts, plays, movies, etc. A meal out to celebrate special occasions.

In quick strokes:

Respondents put renewing “relationships” first in order of importance of what everyone is looking forward to – family, friends, church family. Lifting of restrictions of movement came next and then travelling, vacations, sports (participating/spectating), entertainment, dining out.

For your listening pleasure:

One Love Bob Marley

2 Replies to “Joy in the Morning”

  1. Joseph Odumeru

    My wife and I would like to play pickleball on regular basis. I noticed you have pickleball playing time in your calendar. Please let me know how we can register for this or we simply drop by at the time indicated in the calendar. Thank you. Joseph

    • Web Master

      Hello Joseph!
      You are most to join the pickleball activity. You can just drop in and join the group. They have a marvellous time….

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