Footnote: Boomers’ Pandemic Survey Results
Results were compiled from 20 surveys completed and returned by May 10th, 2021 by Boomers of Water Street Church. Some were completed by individuals, some by couples. The responses and remarks express people’s personal thoughts and observations at a particular moment in time. We were coming into Spring and Summer; however, remained under a Stay-at-Home order, which came after a year of restrictions. People were in the process of being vaccinated but variants were increasing in number so the pandemic remained.
As we had not been able to meet together in person because of restrictions due to the pandemic, we prepared the survey to offer members of the group an opportunity to reflect over the events of the past year, look for blessings instead of concentrating of losses, offer ideas and encouragement to each other – in other words – to “communicate” with one another in a meaningful way.
We hope you enjoy and benefit from reading the survey results.
“The Lord bless you and keep you, make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you. The Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace.”
Janey and Robert D.
June 13, 2021