ETERNAL GOD, great is your majesty! As we worship you, evidence of your glory surrounds us. When we consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place by your word, we tremble with awe and wonder at your power and greatness that are beyond measure.
You are the Sovereign Lord! Who among us has measured the waters in the hollow of our hands, or with the breadth of our hands marked off the heavens? Who among us has held the dust of the earth in a basket, or weighed the mountains on the scales and the hills in a balance? Who among us can plumb the depths of your Spirit[ LORD, or give you counsel? Would we teach you knowledge, or show you the path of understanding?
Who are we, small and weak, that you are mindful of us? Who are we, sinful men and women, that you care for us? “We are like grass, and our faithfulness is like the flowers of the field. The grass withers and the flowers fall, but your word, O Lord, endures forever.”
You bring prime ministers and presidents to naught and reduce the rulers of this world to nothing. You are in control of all things. It humbles us to know that nothing happens apart from your ordaining will. And you are faithful. You never change; hence, the promises you make you keep forever. In this season of Christmas, we remember that, at just the right time, you sent your son as the long-promised messiah to save us.
Lord, some of us look back on this year that is ending and we are thankful for your many blessings. Remind us, as we praise you for your goodness to us, that we are not defined by our circumstances or by what we have, but by our faith in Jesus and his saving work on our behalf.
Faithful God, others of us look back on this year that is ending and we grieve losses or trials. For some this has been a painful year. Remind us, as we reflect on our troubles, that we are not defined by our circumstances or what we lack, but by the hope we have in you, Lord Jesus. As we look ahead to the new year – and into the future that is unknown to us – we take comfort and find courage in knowing that all is known to you and that you are working out your plans in human history.
We give thanks for your provision, O Lord. Your love overflows to us. And we bring our hopes and our fears. Thank you for the great salvation we have in your precious Son, Jesus. What wondrous love you have shown us that we have been baptized into him and made alive to you, Father God, in him. Strengthen us through the Holy Spirit who dwells in us that we count ourselves dead to sin and grow to live in his righteousness.
When we suffer, Lord – when we face trials and life becomes hard – draw us closer to you through the Spirit. Remind us that, in our sufferings, we come to know our Saviour better. As we lift up of those who are ill, or in distress, or dying, we ask for healing, where that is your will, but above all, we pray that they would know the joy of their salvation in you, Lord Jesus and that, in that, they would find strength and comfort. We ask that prayer for the church around the world, especially those who are persecuted for their faith in you, Lord Jesus.
In this season of Christmas, as we contemplate how you, Lord Jesus, humbled yourself to take on human flesh like us, we ask that you, heavenly Father, would give us the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that we may know you – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – better.
Be making us people of your Word of Truth and a people of prayer. Enlighten the eyes of our hearts in order that we may know the hope to which we have been called, the riches of his glorious inheritance in us, his holy people, and his incomparably great power for us who believe.
We pray, O God, that you would lead us to so know your will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding that we might live worthily of you, our Lord, and please you in all ways–bearing fruit in every good deed, growing in our knowledge of you, and being strengthened with all power according to your glorious might, joyfully giving thanks to you, Father God, who has qualified us to share in the saints’ inheritance in the light of your Son, our Lord Jesus, in whose wonderful and powerful name we pray. Amen.
Adapted from selected verses in Psalm 8, Isaiah 40, Ephesians 1 and 3, Colossians 1