The 70 x 70 envelope was in my purse for about three months. Its purpose was to bless someone in the community with it. I missed some opportunities to give away my $70.00 only because I wasn’t paying attention to the Holy Spirit’s nudging.
Then one day, just before Christmas, I was in the Craft aisle at the Dollar Store getting craft supplies for my grandchildren, when I met a woman who seemed a bit stressed and said she was looking for craft ideas for residents at the nursing home where she did activities with the residents. She had hoped to make gingerbread houses, but didn’t have enough money, so now she was looking for a less expensive Dollar store craft. I said: “I like doing crafts, maybe I can help you pick something.”
Suddenly, my brain woke up. I said, “Maybe I could help pay for the gingerbread houses.” She got tears in her eyes and hugged me. I then told her about my church celebrating their 70th anniversary and how we wanted to give away $70.00 to bless someone we met, who appeared to need it. She then said a few times “You are such a blessing. I can’t believe this.” I could only answer: “It’s meant to be.”
She asked to take a selfie of us, asked for my contact information, and wondered which church I was part of, adding that the nursing home could use volunteers. I then shared some info about Water Street Church.
A day later, she messaged me with pictures of residents decorating gingerbread houses and said she had some money left over to make a painted craft. She again thanked me and my church for the money.
The $70 probably helped 20 residents with an activity before Christmas.
I learned a lesson that day — I need to listen to the Holy Spirit speaking to my heart every day and everywhere.