February 2 , at 10 a.m. Sunday worship at Water Street Church. Worship with us in person or online. The message “With Open Eyes – The Road to Emmaus” will be brought by Pastor Kasey. The message is based on Luke 24:13-35 .
Our students explored the Passover story this winter: Pictures here:

New Life Church and WSC celebrated worship together at Easter.

Tabernacle Project
We were delighted to host the Tabernacle Project for our youth again. It has been our tradition to rotate between the Tabernacle Project and the Passover Project, and offer these programs during church services in January-March. Each hands-on curriculum takes students through a scripture-based examination of the tabernacle or Passover, making connections between these Old Testament traditions and the nature and ministry of Christ which they reveal. Students construct their own model of the tabernacle (God’s portable temple), adding more detail each week while learning about the significance of each item/element within. Youth grades 5 to 10 are welcome! This is an opportunity to learn about Biblical history in a fun, hands-on way, while enjoying fellowship with others. Materials are provided at no cost to participants.
There is a community on-demand bus stop right in front of Water Street Church at “Water at Cedar Eastbound.” Take advantage of this service! Available Monday to Saturday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. (recently made available on Sundays!) To book a ride: Download the app from either the App Store or Google Play
Visit book.ondemandyourway.com OR Call an On-demand booking agent at 519-822-1811, prompt 5
Not sure how to book the service? Watch on YouTube